Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reserve Bank of India Services Board

Posts Available
 Recruitment/ Post CodeRecruitment NameApplyPrintLast Date to ApplyLast Date to Print
122OFFICERS IN GR.'B' (GENERAL)-DRApplyPrint08/11/201008/11/2010
Instructions for Applying Online
1.Please read theADVERTISEMENTcarefully and make sure thatyou fulfill theEligibility Criteriawith respect to age,academic
qualifications & experience (if required) as on the cut offdate mentioned in our advertisement, for the post for whichyou are
2.If the candidates are not eligible, their candidature willbe cancelled at any stage of the recruitment. If thecandidate qualifies in
the selection process and subsequently it is found that he/she does not fulfill the eligibility criteria, his/hercandidature will be
3.Before starting filling up ofON-LINEapplication, a candidate must purchase theDD or IPOfor the fee amount indicated in the
advertisement [exceptingSC, ST & PHcandidates who are exempted from payment of fee, feeexempted category candidates
can straightway fill theON-LINEapplication].
4.Once you enter your details and SUBMIT, you will not beable to change them. Therefore, you are advised to beready with the
complete data before proceeding to apply Online.Any change(s) made in the printed Application Form will beignored.
5.On submission, the system will generate a UNIQUERECEIPT NO.(to be noted by you, for any future reference) which willalso
get printed in your application form.
6.After filling and submitting the data entered by you, thefinal print out page will be displayed. Any tampering of thedata will
render the application invalid. You have to take a PRINT outof the application form, paste your signed latest passportsize
photograph, sign the application at the end and enclose theapplication fee by means of Demand Draft/Postal Orders drawn
in favour of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) payable at Mumbai,(if fee is payable). The completed print application form,has to
be sent byordinary post to
'The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board,Post Bag No. 14501, Mumbai Central Post Office,
Mumbai-400008'-  in case of  Officer in Grade 'B' (Direct Recruitment- DR)or
'The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board,Post Bag No. 4618, Mumbai Central Post Office,
Mumbai-400008'-  in case of All other Recruitments.
(NOTE :  Post Bag No. may please be confirmed from ourdetailed Advertisement)
On Line Applications in closed covers may also be depositedin the box specially kept for the purpose at Reserve Bank of
India, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Mumbai Central,Mumbai-400008
On Line Applications must reach us on or before theCLOSING DATEmentioned in the advertisement. Candidates are
advised not to wait till the last day and complete all theformalities of submitting the application in all respectswell in advance.
7.The online application will not be considered as validunless the printout of the system generated application formduly
signed alongwith photograph and application fee(if applicable) are received by us before theclosing date.
8.Applicants should write the UNIQUERECEIPT NO., his/herNAMEandADDRESSon the reverse of the DD and in the space
provided for the purpose on the Postal Orders (if fee ispayable) and enclose them to the application with a pin(Please do not
9."ON-LINE APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ...................."and "UNIQUE RECEIPT NO." must be superscribedon top of the
cover containing the application form.
10.Applications shouldnot be filled more than once.The duplicate applications will not be entertained and willberejected.



Job Seekers