Tuesday, July 26, 2011


For MT (Tech)
Should be of sound physique, free from any physical defect. Medical standards stipulate
minimum requirements of Weight 45 kg; Height 155 cm; Myopia and Hypermetropia, if any, not
to exceed ± 4.00 in each eye and no squint or colour blindness, partial or full. Suitable
relaxation in height and weight will be given to female candidates.

For MT (Admn.)
Should be of sound physique, free from any physical defect. Medical standards stipulate
minimum requirements of Weight 45 kg; Height 155 cm; Myopia and Hypermetropia, if any, not
to exceed ± 6.00 in each eye. Suitable relaxation in height and weight will be given to female

Reservations for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped categories will be provided as per
Presidential Directives.

The OBC candidates who belong to ‘Creamy layer’ are not entitled to OBC concession and such
candidates have to indicate their category as General. The OBC (non creamy layer) candidates
are required to submit the requisite certificate in the prescribed format issued in the current
financial year by the competent authority at the time of Interview, if called for.
Under the Persons with Disability category, while the post of Management Trainees (Technical)
is open only for Orthopaedically disabled candidates, the post of Management Trainees
(Administration) is open to all categories of disabilities.

Category (SC/ST/OBC/PWD) once entered in the online application form will not be allowed
to be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on.

Eligible candidates will be required to appear for a Written Examination, information for which
will be provided in the Admit card. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in
the Written Test will be intimated to appear for Group Discussion/Interview.

Eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type written test in at any one of
the centres at Agartala, Allahabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Bhilai, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Bokaro,
Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Durgapur, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kochi,
Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Ranchi, Rourkela, Salem, Trichy, Vijaywada and

However, SAIL may add/delete any centre and allocate appropriate centre to the candidate.
The written test for both the above mentioned posts will be held on the same day as per the
following schedule:

i) For MT(Technical) - In the Forenoon session
ii) For MT(Administration) - In the Afternoon session

Candidates can apply and compete for both or either of the above stated posts, subject to their
fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed for each. Those interested in competing for both
the posts will have to apply separately for each of the post with requisite fee and also will be
required to appear in the tests in both the sessions at the same centre.

Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the written test will be intimated to
appear for Group Discussion/Interview, which may be held at short notice. Please visit the SAIL
website for information on the same. SC/ST/OBC candidates will be given relaxation in
prescribed qualifying level for written test, group discussion and interview.

Candidates selected as Management Trainees will be placed on training for one year. The
Management Trainees (Technical) will be registered as Apprentices under the provisions of
Apprentices Act, 1961. After successful completion of training, the candidates shall be placed
under probation for one year.

The Management Trainees will be offered Basic Pay of Rs.20,600/- p.m. in the pay scale of
Rs.20600-3%-46500 (E-1). On successful completion of training the Management Trainees will
be designated as Junior Managers in the same scale of pay.

Besides Basic Pay, the MTs will also be paid Dearness Allowance. They will also be entitled for
other perquisites and benefits such as PF, Gratuity and other perks & allowances as per rules of
the Company in vogue. The CTC would be around Rs. 7 lakhs p.a. In addition, Company
provides benefits like Leave encashment, housing/HRA and free medical facility for self and
dependents as per rules in vouge.

An amount of Rs. 5000/- per month will be deducted from the total emoluments during the
period of training and probation, as retention amount, on returnable basis on confirmation of
service in the Company after successful completion of training and probation period (two
years). The retention amount will be forfeited, on leaving the service/termination of service
before confirmation.

Being direct recruitment on initial basic, the Company will not bear any liability on account of
Salary/ leave salary/ pension contribution etc., of pervious employment, if any.

If selected, the candidates can be posted to any Plant/Unit location of the Company. The
candidates will not be allowed to seek/ apply for transfer to any other plant/unit location of the
Company for initial four years of service. For departmental candidates this restriction will be
for initial two years.


Employers JobsFlag@Live.com

Job Seekers JobsFlag@YMail.com